Our Commitment
The implementation of our Corporate Social Responsibility program employs the bottom-up method in which the Company, together with the local government, openly provides facilities to the community to put together a program based on their needs, in a responsible manner. Therefore, it is hoped that this CSR program can be more optimal and directly beneficial for the development of communities and areas around the mine. At the moment, the focus of the program is on education, in the form support for improvement of school facilities, infrastructure, e.g. construction of village roads, electric lighting, renovation of houses of worship, and other rural infrastructure.
We continue to pay attention to the long-term impacts on the environment and natural habitats of our operational activities. The cost for replanting and rehabilitating mining areas have been allocated in the planning of mining costs in an amount sufficient to the post-mining future. The Company regularly monitors the environment and conducts reporting in order to meet the prevailing rules and regulations.
We believe that with the harmonious relationship between all stakeholders, the Company will grow further and sustainably, walking side by side with increasing community welfare and better-maintained environment.